TMC 2025 Registration
The Texas Mission Council (TMC) hosts one mission conference per year. The 2025 conference will be held at the Mexican American Catholic College (MACC) in San Antonio, Texas Friday February 21 at 6 pm, through Sunday February 23 at 11:30 am.
MACC facilities link:
The theme is: "Go and Invite. Witness My Love.".
For the agenda and other conference documents, please browse this web site, or e-mail our TMC Chair, Mary Wisniewski at
How to register:
Registration is a 2 step process:
1. Register filling out the "Online Registration Form" below and clicking submit. Deadline for registering is Tuesday 2-17-25 (so we can make food arrangements). Please use the open text field to let us know if you have food allergies or other accommodation requests. Couples need to register and pay separately.
2. Conference payment is by PayPal/ Credit card. Free conference admission for university students and seminarians, though you must register and pay for food service if you are eating with us.
If you have questions, please contact Tom Snodgrass, TMC Webmaster. E-mail:, or mobile: 972-754-2064
1. Online Registration Form
(See pay options below.)
2. TMC 2025 Registration Choices and Payment
Single Room, registration, and meals
This is registration for the full conference, for one person, if you are in a single room alone.
Double Room, registration, and meals (per person)
This is registration for the full conference for one person. Please let us know the name of the other person that is also registering for a double room that will be staying with you.)
Registration and meals Only (no room)
This is registration for the conference, if you don't need a room.
Registration Only (no meals or room)
This is registration for the conference, if you don't need a room or meals.
This is registration for the conference, if you don't need a room and your registration is free (University Students and Seminarians).
Meals Only (no registration fee or room)